Sunday, December 14, 2008

Alternative processes

Here's is my final project of my alternative processes class.

After looking at some photographers in my photo history class last spring it got me thinking what I was going to do for my theme is this class. I have a ton (A TON) of Tiggers stuff animals (along with some other stuff like mugs and such.) and I wanted to "archive" my Tigger collection, but as I feared the teacher HATED the idea. Which I kinda didn't care. As you can see I still did what I wanted to do.

He told me to try to shoot the Tiggers like I was shooting a portrait and not just a shot of the stuff animal with it's entire body in the shot (like a toy product shot). I showed this projects in a 20 by 25 mat bored with 16 window matted holes with the four of the same shot (but different processes) sat in the middles and the blues stays with the blues, the browns in the brown section and so on.

He liked my final product along with my classmates. I also loved the final showing and plan to frame the project and keep in my home. Someone even told me I should have it in a room where it's put up on the wall and all the Tiggers are sitting under the photos. lol.

Hope y'all like -- let me know what you think.

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