Saturday, July 18, 2009

Vicky's Quinceañera

I had the honor to photograph Vicky's Quinceañera (on July 11, 2009). I got to play around a little, seeing as I know the family. I got a list of stuff I needed to get, but I also got to play around a little. Here are just some of the photos, which I liked and I fixed up in photoshop.

Vicky is the one in the middle with the big white dress on. I loved the colorful bouquets and it was cute since the theme was "candy" each bouquet had a large lollipop and covered in glitter.

Here's Vicky in the back of her father's Bronco. The dress was so big she had to ride in the back to the reception. It was too cute.

The same photo pixed up in photoshop like the first photograph.

Here's just another thing I got to play around with. I have been doing these swirls, by just twisted the camera with no flash. This was during one of the dances with Vicky and her girls in the court.

Another idea I had -- I thought it was just a cute idea I couldn't pass up.

I forget the term that this girl is called in Quinceañera ceremony, but she was way too cute.

Another thing I just saw and snapped.

Vicky was so pretty on her day.

Vicky's little brother, Carl getting his red flower pinned on, but one of the girls on the court.

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