Monday, March 19, 2012

New products {Large Wall Prints}

I'm working on a new special and I wanted something BIG for the print. Something you can place on your wall and have it stand out without just being one big picture.

I took my niece out to the field and let her play around a lot, which I feel I can get some pretty decent shots when kids are just being kids.

I like playing around with sizes and made this 16 X 20 print with six different photos at three different sizes. Now depending on the type of session or the images that get produced during the session the end product could turn out looking different every time.

I will be offering these types of products (which don't always have to be a 16 x 20) for future session, but one will be included for the upcoming Mother's Day Special.

Remember the facebook contest is still going on so hit up my page ( and "Like" it then get your friends and family to "like" the page too and post on the wall you sent them. You will receive a FREE session and FREE 8 x 10 print.

MORE TO COME: Meetings; babies; seniors; Children; NEW special.

If you are interested in booking a session please contact me at

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