Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sac State Spring Show 2009

So all the graduating senior from Dec (me) or May (Joleen my friend) get tables at the spring show to show off our work. I took most of the sports senior port shots. I also had one flower photo, one photo of Jewels, one fashion (of Kat) and one of my grape vines. I also made business cards, since there could be job opportunities. So here are some of the photos I took.

But I was a bit upset because I forgot my SD card when I went to the show tonight, so the bulk of these photos are from yesterday with the setup. I did get a few with my moms iPhone.

iPhone photos of me behind my table.

(I should have done these a little bigger, but oh well)
Another iPhone photo of the sign outside the ballroom for the show.

My print in the show. I got on the top of one of the grates and the light was right above eliminating my photo.

iPhone shot with me under my photo, which was in the show.

The shot Joleen took of me during setup.

Side shot of my table.

Front shot of my table.

My business cards.

A close up of Joleen's main photos and her name tag on her senior table.

A little bit more of Joleen's table.

Joleen next to her big photo in the show.

Joleen next to her naked girls photos, which was in the show.

Joleen's business cards.

Jan Lopez, who was in my senior port class took two photos of me, which was in her senior project. I was trying to emulate my eyes in the shot.

Another Jan Lopez shot from her senior project. This was more towards the end of our shoot, where we were having fun with my hair. And it shows the old hair with my new hair on me.

Sarah Rutter, a senior graduating this Sat. did so many things for her table. She had all these photos of mouths, where she had a mirror and you need to make your upper face match the mouth shot.

Sarah with another mouth.

Now it's me with the mouth shot. Hella close up and I do this all the time so it was fit for me.

Joleen taking a sab at the mouth shots.

Sarah Rutter also had this project where she took hella photos through this tunnel thing and had a pile of the photos that you can change and see what she saw. Each photo is a square and has the outside of the bucket in the shot.

A Sarah Rutter photo in the show.

Kyle Hampton's senior project.

Kyle's business cards on vinyl. He changed them for the main show today though, so they weren't on vinyl.

Oh so tiny -- Photos of students/people with their heads in a bucket filled with water.

This is the senior photographer doing this project.

This from a distance this looks like a bunch of bugs, but it's leftover makeup whipped off with tissues. This photographer won a scholarship.

This was the "Best in Show" for interior design.

Interior design -- presented on metal.

Interior design -- Victoria's Secret design.

Interior design -- Joleen feeling the chair material.

Interior design -- carpet.

Monday, May 18, 2009


One thing David Ziser said when I went to the seminar last Tuesday was when writing a blog one must keep it current. He said even daily. He does something each day (I pretty sure excluding the weekends -- I'm sure he needs some days off). Each day is designated for, such as technique Tuesdays...So I figured I could try to do something like that.

As of right now I've got Mondays off from work because I take my dog to training Monday nights. I've seem some levitation on flickr and on blogger, who I went to school with.




So what I did first was take a picture of the room:

Then I got a shot with me on a chair:

I put the photo with me on the chair on top of the empty shot, then using the eraser I erased the chair and got this:

Although I know the lighting and the setting isn't the greatest, but this was more of something I just wanted to test out to see if it was possible for to to put it off.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Lenbaby time

I bought a lensbaby a week or so ago and I just had a chance to go out and play with it.

Here's the case I took inside the bedroom.

Here's my baby Meeko's nose. He's such a cutie.

I went out to Wine and Roses today to get pictures of flowers.

Loved the way the lens flair came through.

I think this one is the best of the bunch. It will be posted on flickr, along with Meeko's nose.

Again another lovely photo shooting into the light.

Love love love this photo, but it could be due to the face that it is purple.

Love the way the light shines through.

I don't know why there's so much white here, but there's a bee in the shot.

There was a humming bird near these plants, but I couldn't get a shot. =(

My Meeko's collar.

This shot was from the water fountain in the middle of the courtyard.

A little bug playing on an orange flower.

The two shinny spots are water droplets on the flower.

Another fountain shot.

This is a flower, but with the blur from the lensbaby it's like little bananas.