Saturday, July 18, 2009

Vicky's Quinceañera

I had the honor to photograph Vicky's Quinceañera (on July 11, 2009). I got to play around a little, seeing as I know the family. I got a list of stuff I needed to get, but I also got to play around a little. Here are just some of the photos, which I liked and I fixed up in photoshop.

Vicky is the one in the middle with the big white dress on. I loved the colorful bouquets and it was cute since the theme was "candy" each bouquet had a large lollipop and covered in glitter.

Here's Vicky in the back of her father's Bronco. The dress was so big she had to ride in the back to the reception. It was too cute.

The same photo pixed up in photoshop like the first photograph.

Here's just another thing I got to play around with. I have been doing these swirls, by just twisted the camera with no flash. This was during one of the dances with Vicky and her girls in the court.

Another idea I had -- I thought it was just a cute idea I couldn't pass up.

I forget the term that this girl is called in Quinceañera ceremony, but she was way too cute.

Another thing I just saw and snapped.

Vicky was so pretty on her day.

Vicky's little brother, Carl getting his red flower pinned on, but one of the girls on the court.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Introducing: Michael and Crystal Holmes

I had the pleasure of photographing one of my closest friends' (from work) wedding. Here are just a few of the photo from the day (July 9, 2009).

The flowers were all "touched" by glitter. It was so pretty.

Instead of rice the guest throw bird seeds so the birds could have a little feast after the wedding.

During their first dance.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


So I did a bunch of stuff on the fourth of July. I did my makeup "Red White & Blue," which matched my shirt, which said "Red White Blue." It's cute. I should have taken a picture, but I didn't. Went to my grandmas to spend the bulk of the day with her (my grandpa passed away on July 4 five years ago. So my mom and I try to spend the day with her. Then I went to see my friend Joleen and sped back home to make it home to be with my b/f for the local fireworks.

Here's some photos of the day I did take.

** Me makeup **

This was part of the Lake fire works finale.

A smile firework. There was a few more of these smiles and a heart, but this was the only one which came out.

I love the sparkly ones.

This was the final part of the house fireworks that my b/f's brother and his friends were doing in the backyard (since I live in a county where you can use fireworks). I made home just in time to see the last bit of the home show.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Poolside modeling

It's been a while I know. That's why I went over to see my little niece and brother. I wanted to get some poolside modeling done, but Jonathan couldn't find her swimsuit, then we found out it was left in mommy's car, so we did it without. Here are some of the ones that turned out well.

The "Rock Star"

The "Bubble Queen"

Look at that tongue.

Splish Splash

The "Baller"

So I fixed some up in photoshop, but for some reason any time I try to put them on here they get inverted, so I posted a few of my flicker.