Tuesday, May 8, 2012

WPPI - Tradeshow {Big Event}

I was able to go to WPPI this past year and I took a TON of photos....this blog post in a long time coming, but it's only the first of many WPPI posts to come.

I went to the convention with my good friend Joleen of Joleen Vincent Photography.

These are some of the shots from the tradeshow floor -- and one of the BIGGEST moments was meeting Zach and Jody Grey (Zach is below).

So withing the first five minutes of the tradeshow I WON A VIDEO CAMERA. The guy taking the photo missed the part about "hey can you include the PRIZE in the shot."

One of her BIGGEST moments was when she got to meet the Boudoir Divas (pictured below).

Just a set up by one of the vendors (and of course the shots of me were taken by Joleen).

A few booth has a basket or box of fortune cookies and you dropped a card in one side and picked up a cookie. I won TWO album books and ONE set of templates and a few other discounts, but I never got the wavers for those.

OMG It's Zach and Jody (Jody below). I got to see Zach three times and Jody twice. The set of photos below are the two giving a lighting talk during the tradeshow.

A few of the booth had models on hand for us photographers to test the lighting, prob, backdrops, and cameras.

Joleen showing of these yummy cookies from PPA.

Joleen testing out a new strap and the second photo she's testing a new lens. 

Joleen took this shot of me with the new lens I NEED.

These girl were rooming the halls with these light sabers as advertisement for the booth.

Some shots from above at the WHCC booth.

MORE TO COME: Seniors; Children; Birthday; WPPI

If you would like to book a session or event with KarynLynne Photography please email at karyngilbert@yahoo.com

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